4 Reasons To Always Eat Breakfast

They say it’s the most important meal you’ll have all day, but when you’re rushing to work or getting ready for school, it’s easy to overlook the value of breakfast. After all, you may assume you can simply grab a snack or make up for the lost calories at lunchtime.

However, breakfast has more value than most of us realize. The first meal of the day helps get your body on track with the energy it needs to thrive throughout the rest of the day.

A good breakfast can put you in a better mood, make sure you’re focused when you arrive at work, and even stop you from eating foods which might add to your waistline.

Here are some of the main reasons you should always find time for breakfast.

1) It’s Your First Energy Source for the Day

Every part of your body runs on energy. Well, technically, you run on glucose. This substance is broken down and absorbed from the food you consume.

The body stores a significant amount of energy as fat, and also stores glucose as glycogen. When you’re not eating, the liver breaks glycogen down and releases it to keep blood sugar levels stable.

However, when you go without eating for a while (throughout the night), your glycogen stores are naturally low, and your body starts to struggle. Eating breakfast is how you regain the energy you need to get all of your systems back up and running.

Eating a balanced breakfast each morning will give you the dose of energy you need to keep you going throughout the hours up until lunch time.

2) Breakfast Offers Essential Nutrients

The body needs a number of key substances, like nutrients and minerals, to keep it as healthy as possible. However, it’s hard to get all of the nutrition you need with just two meals a day.

Eating breakfast is an excellent opportunity to get an extra serving of fruit into your body, as well as various other great ingredients, like calcium and whole grains.

Breakfast cereals and foods are often rich in key nutrients you might have a hard time getting in other meals. For instance, you can use your breakfast to top up on fiber, iron, calcium, folate, and B vitamins.

Many studies have shown people who eat breakfast are more likely to get their recommended requirements of minerals and vitamins than people who don’t.

3) It Helps You Control Your Weight

People who skip breakfast often assume doing so will help them to lose weight. After all, skipping breakfast means you’re consuming fewer calories overall (in theory). However, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are actually less likely to be overweight.

There are a number of reasons why eating breakfast can be a good thing for your weight loss goals. First, it helps to balance your blood sugar levels, so you can manage your appetite more easily and be less tempted by cravings for fatty foods.

Second, breakfast helps fill you up before you have a chance to start feeling hungry. This means you’re less likely to randomly grab snacks throughout the day.

Breakfast also gives your metabolism the kick start it needs in the morning to start churning through fat, which can mean you can accomplish more during your morning workouts.

4) Breakfast Boosts Brain Power

If you’ve ever struggled to get through a tough morning on an empty stomach, you know how much hunger can impact concentration. If you don’t have breakfast, your brain hasn’t received the glucose required to get it up and running. This means you’re more likely to struggle with your focus.

Studies have shown that skipping breakfast can impact mental performance, making it harder for you to concentrate and remember the things you’re doing. Children who eat breakfast regularly tend to perform better academically than their peers, because they have the energy they need.

Speaking of boosted brainpower, breakfast also helps you to focus more clearly when you’re making important decisions throughout the day.

You might even make better choices about which foods to avoid, which once again helps with your overall health and weight management.

Healthy Breakfasts Keep You Healthy

Compared with people who don’t eat breakfast, people who enjoy a balanced breakfast regularly generally have a lower risk of various chronic ailments, including type 2 diabetes and obesity.

With the right breakfast, you can lower your levels of LDL cholesterol, heart disease, and high blood pressure, and end up with a better quality of life overall. There are a number of reasons why breakfast keeps you healthy, from helping you to make better decisions regarding food, to ensuring you can enjoy more nutrients and minerals. Make sure you get your breakfast whenever you can!

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